Yes! This one closure about which I am going to talk about today is 'the closure we need in any breaking relationship.
I am sure we all have faced the situation of heartbreaks, lots of tears, and stress at one point of time in our life. And I am also sure that some of the few heartbreaks must be based on understanding and happily made and some of maybe unsaid heartbreaks.
I know, all heartbreaks feel the same but that unsaid heartbreak feels the most you can ever experience. This hurts the most, its have the capability to destroy you completely that you will not able to collect yourself.
At one point in time, you will understand this heartbreak and you may accept it too, and moving ahead in your life but every night when you spend your 5-10 minutes with yourself you always get back to that unsaid heartbreak that happens 5 months or 5 years before from now. That 5-10 minutes exhaust your whole day's positive moments which you spend in the entire day with just one thought.
This thing when you experienced daily your mind started commanding you that you are not moved on with that one particular incident, or that you still need to talk to that individual but you don't want him in your life back, or that you still love that individual after all the facts about good and bad or etc. but it never went our from your life at any point of time.
This unsaid heartbreak will always haunt you despite being happy in your life, will always haunt you, whenever you get to know about that individual or talk about that individual, you went to that zone that low zone which somewhere in mind never been healed.
I am sure you must be realized what "being concerned but never wanted that individual in your life again" means. But you always unconsciously try to find the reasons what went wrong in that particular relationship, which took this direction, what you did wrong, what that individual did wrong, what was the issues, but you never ever found that perfect reason and keep torturing yourself with all the assumption we can ever make like I was dominating or he was dominating, he didn't trust me, I wasn't match, we had communication gap, he didn't respect me, he doesn't value the worth me and etc, etc etc. this will never end.
That's where we need closure, not for the sake but of the healing of yourself, heart and to move on. This closure will give you inner peace and will give you all your answers which you always try to find every night in your imagination. This will heal the psychological hurts that you have been facing, the depression, mental torture you have been facing throughout this time. It will give you peace with yourself and will help you to end that relationship on a good note with mutual respect.
I know how much difficult this step is but I also know that you are more courageous than you ever believe you are, you are stronger than you ever believe. So take that one step and try to heal in that process.
1. Acceptance is very much important, it's ok to feel the way that you are feeling, it's ok to be sad. Go through that process own that process and live it fully.
2. To vent out all the feelings you have been feeling all the emotions just vent them out uncensored uncut with that one close person (friend, family, siblings, etc.). This process is as important as the first process of healing yourself.
3. This last step might take a month, 6 months, or maybe years so give yourself that time to move on to the next chapter of your life, and here sometimes the closure helps you the most to go further ahead, emotionally, spiritually, physically and career-wise.
Thus I will strongly recommend you if you going through this phase of life, don't be impatient with yourself give yourself time accept the fact that all this thing is important for you a d your growth own it live it. And take that one courage to move on in your life.
You are the most amazing one care ever had, don't forget this ever. You are sunshine, You are as beautiful/handsome as someone can be.
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