Yes! This one closure about which I am going to talk about today is 'the closure we need in any breaking relationship. I am sure we all have faced the situation of heartbreaks, lots of tears, and stress at one point of time in our life. And I am also sure that some of the few heartbreaks must be based on understanding and happily made and some of maybe unsaid heartbreaks. I know, all heartbreaks feel the same but that unsaid heartbreak feels the most you can ever experience. This hurts the most, its have the capability to destroy you completely that you will not able to collect yourself. At one point in time, you will understand this heartbreak and you may accept it too, and moving ahead in your life but every night when you spend your 5-10 minutes with yourself you always get back to that unsaid heartbreak that happens 5 months or 5 years before from now. That 5-10 minutes exhaust your whole day's positive moments which you spend in the entire day with just one thought. This ...
Free, Frank, Fearless