The whole concept of society revolves around the Youth, we (Youth) determined the future and present of society through being the responsible young, rational generation, who knows what is wrong and right, who know the silver line between being right and wrong. The one who can analyze every right doing and wrongdoing of the government and society. Who knows, what our society needed the most, whether true journalism who talk about farmers or journalism who talks about weeds. So here we are, Who are the Youths? Any individual between 15- 30 age group regardless of any gender and sexuality. According to the 2011 census the population of youth was 229 million between the age of 15-24. The United States has 43.9 million youth according to the 2011 census. In India, it was also seen that the population of youth is increasing day by day which is only good if we do something to change this society into a more secure, liberal, dependent society, where every individual male or female can take the...
Free, Frank, Fearless